Tuesday 5 November 2013

My emotion had been dragged to the ground for quite awhile this morning. I know there's always some reasons to put a smile on face but bet everyone has got their hard time. Guess most of you will understand how it feels like, when there's certain thoughts pop out on your mind and then you lost your control. 

Okay, basically it's caused by my coursework & homework plus part of my personal mixed feeling of thinking a lot of unimportant issues. Over thinking kills you. It's very very true. I'm unhappy because I was over thinking at that moment. And then I've wasted a whole morning just to look for the movie that our tutor asked us to watch & do an analysis. I still have some homework that yet to be done right now, so I guess here by I'll stop my blog post. CHILLAX! Girl, CHILLAX!

And you know what? While I typing this I received some good news from my coursemate! Hahaha! So, lesson I learnt today, 'Let your thought decide your mood, don't let your mood decide your thought.'